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Black Friday is here!

24 November 2016 -

Opening a new online store the week before Black Friday is quite a nerve-wracking endeavour. As a retailer, it is impossible to not feel the heat, even if you are nowhere near the kitchen. Personally, I am with Maria. I am tempted to fling my credit card into the far reaches of the freezer (there are sausages back there from another century)  and encourage my 5 year old to hide my purse (she is exceptionally good at this). But there are still dangers (damn you Paypal, and your terrifyingly easy ways of spending). To my mind, Black Friday seems like a sure fire way of panic buying something in haste, that you can sadly shake your head over at leisure. 

So here, at After Alice we haven't gone for a crazy, unbelievably insane Black Friday offer. We are not crazy, or insane (though if we were we would probably say that . . .). Plus, as a new business it would be nice to survive into December without facing bankruptcy. So, as a subtle but perceptible nod towards this flat out bonkers long weekend, we are offering all our dear friends of After Alice 10% off, across the whole store. And we will add a little something to any orders received, up to midnight on Sunday, just to make you smile.

We will continue to provide great, quality products at fair prices throughout the year, rather than a bonkers offer come silly season. Happy Black Friday. May we all survive without needing to sell a vital organ or Grandma's locket. 

To get 10% off simply add the code IWILLNOTSELLMYKIDNEY at checkout. 

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